
  • How To Prevent Your Children From Fighting Over Your Property

    As a parent, you don't want your children to fight over your estate. Unfortunately, will disputes or fights over inheritance are still too common. It doesn't have to be so because you can take precautions to ensure a peaceful inheritance of your estate. Here are some of the measures that can help. Avoid Huge Surprises Although you don't have to explain every little detail of your will to your children, it does help to avoid major surprises.
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  • Three Lesser-Known Types Of Damage In Personal Injury Cases

    When you have been injured in an accident, you may suffer from several types of damages. Most people immediately think of the financial losses due to medical bills as being the only major type of damage that you suffer after an accident. However, there are actually several other lesser-known, yet still significant, kinds of damage that you may have to deal with. Your personal injury lawyer can usually help you recover these types of damages.
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  • Minors And Labor Law: What An Employer Is NOT Allowed To Do

    Minors enjoy getting a job and having an income of their own. However, there are labor laws in place to protect minors. At one time, children as young as five years old worked fourteen hour days in factories, doing dangerous jobs adults did not want to do. After the first World War, that changed and now employers are not allowed to hire teens or pre-teens to do dangerous work. If you are concerned that your son or daughter's employer is breaking the law, you first need to familiarize yourself on what the governing laws are.
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  • 3 Mistakes You Need to Avoid in a Personal Injury Case

    Being injured is one thing, but not getting the right amount of compensation is even worse. All too often, people end up being taken advantage of during their personal injury claim. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of skill and knowledge to make sure you get the compensation you deserve. After all, you didn't do anything to warrant the injury in the first place. Why should you have to pay? To make sure you don't get taken advantage of, avoid making one of these costly mistakes.
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  • Can You Sue A Partner For Giving You A STD?

    In a sexual relationship, it is the responsibility of both partners to divulge if he or she is infected with a sexually transmitted disease, or STD. If you were infected by someone with a STD, you may be able to take legal action against him or her. Whether or not you can depends on the details of your situation. What Legal Actions Can You Take? One available option is to contact the police and request that charges are filed against the person who infected you with the STD.
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  • What Can You Do If A Creditor Files A Proof Of Claim In Your Bankruptcy Case?

    After you file for bankruptcy, all of your creditors will be notified. Your creditors can challenge the discharge of a debt, which triggers an investigation by the bankruptcy trustee. If this happens, it is important that you know what to do.  What Is a Proof of Claim? A proof of claim is a creditor's statement that states it is entitled to receive payment of the debt that is owed. Unsecured creditors have to file a proof of claim in order for the debt to stand after the bankruptcy.
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  • 5 Key Areas of Employer Responsibility

    In any kind of worker's compensation case, personal injury lawyers may look at these general areas of responsibility for the companies that hire and manage labor. If you're an employer, keep these points in mind to avoid as many unwanted cases as possible. Personal Protective Equipment All sorts of workers in all kinds of industries need appropriate gear to handle any heavy, hazardous or other risky tasks that they may be asked to perform.
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  • Securing Your Future - Understanding The Financial Aspects Of Divorce Settlements

    No one goes in to a marriage with the assumption that they'll eventually have to deal with it ending. Statistically, however, a large amount of marriages in the United States do now end in divorce, and if you find yourself in a situation where you're facing this challenge, it's important that you stay informed and involved in order to secure your finances. Below, you'll find a guide to some of the financial settlements you'll be working out with your attorney during your divorce proceedings.
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  • How To Fight Your Traffic Ticket

    If you have just gotten a traffic ticket, and you don't believe it was fair to receive it, you always have the option of fighting it. When you get a ticket, you are given a court date where you receive the opportunity to defend yourself against the ticket. Here are some different ways to fight your traffic ticket. Show You Were Trying to Avoid Harm If you were driving faster than the speed limit, or were driving erratically, because someone in the vehicle was in need of medical attention, you may be able to fight the ticket.
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  • Organize The Facts Around Car Accident Stories

    After a car accident, be aware that there may be a lot of situational information that could throw blame in any direction. From hit-and-runs with no easily placed culprit to accidents in the middle of the night, proving your innocence and demanding compensation can become an uphill battle. With a few techniques for gathering evidence and crafting a reliable negotiation plan as you enter the settlement phase, you can be better prepared to defend your best interests.
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