
  • Transgender Rights In The Workplace

    The civil rights of transgender individuals are the same as those afforded based on race, ethnicity, national origin, and sexual preference. Harassment or discrimination is illegal, but not always easy to prove if it is not directed toward a transgender individual in an obvious or direct manner. However, the individual can successfully fight against discrimination in their workplace by carefully documenting specific instances where discrimination or harassment have occurred, including any perpetrators or witnesses that may have been present at each occurrence.
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  • Why You Shouldn't Drink And Drive If Your Situation Meets These Three Conditions

    Have you ever driven after taking what you believed to be "a little" alcohol? Many people have done that and gotten away with it, but this doesn't mean it is okay. Driving under the influence of alcohol is never a good idea. However, it is even worse if your situation meets any of these conditions: You Have a Child Passenger The authorities can charge you with child endangerment if you are caught driving under the influence with a child passenger.
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  • Taking A Closer Look At The Hidden Dangers Of Sharing Highways With Big Trucks

    You may hop in your car every day and drive right along side a fleet of semi trucks on your way to work, barely giving any thought to the idea that these vehicles could easily wipe your own out with one wrong movement. However, as a driver, it is always wise to be alert to the dangers on the roadway, no matter what shape or form they may come in – especially when it comes to big trucks.
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  • Keep Your Home And Manage Your Debt With Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    If you have a steady paycheck but are facing foreclosure and/or are far behind on other debt payments, you should consider filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection. Unlike chapter 7 bankruptcy, in which all of your debts are discharged (forgiven) but you must surrender your assets, including your home, you can keep your home and assets under a chapter 13 plan, but you must repay a portion of your debts. 
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  • Can You Get Workers' Comp Benefits If You Telecommute?

    Telecommuting has become increasingly popular, with at least one study indicating that 3.2 million Americans worked as telecommuters in early 2014. If you're one of them, do you still qualify for workers' compensation benefits if you're injured while working from home? The answer may depend on a number of factors. 1.) Are you and your employer in agreement about your workplace? One of the key questions that can determine an employer's liability for an on-the-job injury that occurred while telecommuting is whether or not you and your employer agree that your home is your workplace, even if only temporarily.
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  • Settling With An Insurance Company: When It's Time To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

    Although it is possible to settle with an insurance company when you have suffered a personal injury, few insurance companies are going to negotiate with a non-lawyer. If you have suffered serious, disabling injuries, or got hurt because of medical malpractice, the complexity of your case is best handled by a personal injury lawyer. When your claim is small, it' s possible to settle for a monetary amount with an insurance provider, but when you are hurt permanently, it's time to consult with an experienced attorney to help you with your case.
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  • 3 Common Child Support Questions That Non-Custodial Parents May Have

    If you're a non-custodial parent, you may have a lot of questions regarding your rights, how your ex's lifestyle will affect your required child support payments, and what happens should your ex remarry. Below are three such questions and their answers. 1. If the Support I Send Isn't Being Used Directly on the Child, Can I Stop Paying It? To stop paying child support would be a direct violation of a court order which would put you at risk for fines and even jail.
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  • Preparing For Your Workers' Comp Independent Medical Examination

    As part of the workers' compensation process, you may be asked to undergo an independent medical examination (IME). The insurance company that handles your claim for your employer will contact you after you have been under a doctor's care for some length of time with this request. If you expect to continue to receive workers' comp benefits, you must comply with this request, and how well-prepared you are for this exam could play a key role in the determination of benefits.
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  • Are You An Injured Veteran? Explore Your Options

    After years of military service, your body could develop extensive wear and tear far sooner than your civilian counterparts. The military breeds a culture of being tough and forging through hardship because it's required for survival, but proper maintenance and support is as important for the mission and military machinery as it is for your body. If you're suffering from injuries or conditions that could have been caused by military service, be sure to explore a few of your support options that could make recovery and continued survival easier and more robust.
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  • Answers To A Couple Of Common Concerns About Disability Benefits

    Suffering an injury or illness that deprives you of your ability to earn a living is one of the most devastating events that can happen to a person. While there are disability programs available to help individuals that are in this position, these programs are often poorly understood by those they are designed to help. Not surprisingly, there are a couple of questions about disability benefits that you may want answered, and learning the follow answers should help you to better understand the benefits disability insurance provides.
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