Enjoying Newlywed Life? 4 Reasons You Should Sit Down With An Attorney And Plan Your Estate
Posted on:
17 October 2017
If you're a newlywed, you probably haven't given much thought to estate planning. After all, young people don't need estate planning. Right? Not necessarily. There are a lot of reasons why even newlyweds need the benefit of a good estate plan. You never know when something is going to happen. If it does, you need to be prepared. Here are four important reasons why you need to have your estate in order, even if you're newlyweds.
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3 Types Of Collateral You Can Use For Bail
Posted on:
17 September 2017
When you think about paying bail for a loved one, you might think about doing so with cash. Of course, this is a very popular option, whether you choose to pay the full amount of bail to the magistrate or if you work with a bail bondsman and pay his or her fee. However, in some cases, you can actually use collateral for bail. These are some of the types of collateral that you might be able to use.
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How To Communicate With Your Divorce Lawyer In Court
Posted on:
13 September 2017
Courts are very restrictive when it comes to communication during a hearing. Most courts only allow legal pads of paper; those pads of paper that are all yellow with blue lines on them. So, how do you communicate with your divorce lawyer in the middle of a hearing and not get the judge's dander up? It goes something like the following.
Hear Something Maddening? Write It Down
Your ex is going to say a lot of inflammatory things.
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Piloting Errors That May Lead To An Air Accident
Posted on:
7 September 2017
Many airplane accidents are caused by pilot errors. Pilot errors come in different ways some of which may not be obvious to a non-pilot. Here are some common categories of pilot errors, and how they may lead to airplane accidents:
Using the Wrong or Inadequate Skills
Piloting an aircraft requires a reasonable level of skill, most of it obtained via learning and experience. For example, a pilot needs to know how to retract the landing gear, descend, ascend or increase the aircraft sped before taking off.
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